Welcome to Becoming! A place for teen, young adults, and individuals - where together we are becoming more than we are, and who we were always meant to be. Through each episode, hosted by Tawni Beardall and Erica Peterson, we will feature different topics to enhance your growth, help you see the world differently. We want to help you discover who you are, who you want to be, and who God is encouraging you to continue to become.

Thursday May 27, 2021
What Setting Boundaries Looks Like with Jessica Frew
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
This episode is a follow up to last week's episode. Erica was still stewing about how to actually SET those boundaries...so Jessica amazingly was willing to hop on and give us even more amazing tools to put these in place. Don't let your life have no boundaries!! You will be your best self, when you know what you need and you know how to do this!
FREE GIFT Change Your Story. Change Your Life Workbook
Learn More from Jessica:
Learn more about GABB Wireless. Give teens a phone they'll love...with only the tools they need, and none of the apps they don't!
Become with Tawni, learn more about strengths based coaching!
Visit our website or follow us on instagram @becomingpodcast

Thursday May 20, 2021
BOLDly Protecting Our Routines and Boundaries with Jessica Frew
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
Jessica Frew is our guest today, and she is guiding us through how to create, discover, and BOLDly protect our routines and boundaries. Her personal experiences have allowed her to discover the importance of these tools to create and allow successful and healthy relationships. We so often allow our schedules and responsibilities to completely take over and do not allow ourselves the ability to find and do what keeps us being our best selves. You will love learning from Jessica!
FREE GIFT Change Your Story. Change Your Life Workbook
Learn More from Jessica:
Learn more about GABB Wireless. Give teens a phone they'll love...with only the tools they need, and none of the apps they don't!
Become with Tawni, learn more about strengths based coaching!
Visit our website or follow us on instagram @becomingpodcast

Thursday May 13, 2021
ENCORE: The Confidence to be Confident with Ceri Payne
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Confidence is a skill. Our human nature makes it so easy for us to let life experiences chip away at any confidence we've built. We often focus on the negative and put ourselves down to a level we would never let our friends sink to. Ceri Payne is speaking with us today about some really practical ways that we can practice confidence. If you are afraid of being confident, because you don't want to appear conceded...well don't worry...we are talking about that too.
Let's all work harder this week to pay attention to how we are speaking to ourselves...and change the playlist.
Learn more from Ceri at: @ceripaynecoaching
Visit our website or follow us on instagram @becomingpodcast

Thursday May 06, 2021
Emotional Resilience with Dr. David T. Morgan
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
When faced with unexpected adversity it can be so difficult to climb through each day that faces you. You have normal daily tasks that are never ending, while at the same time you may feel completely overwhelmed with your new challenges and it can feel completely impossible to get through. We can develop our emotional resilience before adversity strikes...but even in the midst of it. We can choose to become stronger through our trials and allow our experiences to bless us and others. We have a return guest today, Dr. David T. Morgan who has some incredible spiritual and practical tools to help us understand emotional resilience and how to grow this within ourselves.
More from Dr. David T. Morgan HERE
Promptly Journals has amazing journaling options for teens and teen parents. From journals directed to teens, gratitude journals, and parent child connections journals your bound to find a journal that is going to be perfect for your teen. To view available journal options click here and use the code BECOMING to get 10% off.
Visit our website or follow us on instagram @becomingpodcast

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
I Am a Child of God
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Tawni is sharing a story about how a quiet plane ride lullaby, has stuck with her for years. A nearby passenger heard her singing the children's song "I Am a Child of God", and was so touched and had never heard it before. Knowing this truth....that you are God's child, and that he loves you can change everything. Really knowing it. Your knowledge of your TRUE divine identity protects you from the influences trying to prove to you otherwise. The entire world will try to bring your sense of identity crashing down, but with God as your anchor you will never be torn down.

Thursday Apr 22, 2021
The Moon Is Round
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
THE MOON IS ROUND... This phrase has become a life moto for Tawni. In this episode she will explain what this means and why it's become so important to her.
We’ve all seen the moon in its full and beautiful glory, but there are times when the shadows of life only allow you to see a sliver of the moon. In those desperate and hard times you may wonder if the moon is still in fact round. Sometimes you might question if the full light is still there. But I’m here to tell you- if you remain faithful, patient, and steadfast, the moon will absolutely show its magnificence again (every 29.5 days to be exact). You see, it was always there, fully round the entire time! It was your perspective from where you were that made it seem less than. God is ALWAYS there for us. “I will never leave you comfortless, I will come to you.”

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
No Need to Compare
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Tawni is a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach. This journey to learning the power of strengths has taken over 2 years now...but now with some incredible new insights from her certification she is sharing the power of how learning your strengths! One of the greatest gifts of knowing your strengths is the ability to free you from comparing! Comparison is the thief of joy. This episode will give you some incredible examples of how you can make this a reality for you!
To work with Tawni click here.
Visit our website or follow us on instagram @becomingpodcast

Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
ENCORE EPISODE originally aired April 2020
The loss of a parent is an experience that most of us cannot imagine. We were so blessed when an incredible teen named Sam Johnson reached out to share his story of growing up with a mother who was diagnosed with M.S. before he was born, was physically impaired for most of his life, and passed away this last year. We were blown away with the positivity and perspective that Sam clearly learned from his mother who lived a beautiful and full life. Sam found so many life lessons from his mother, his family, and friends as he went through an unthinkable life challenge in his young life. As we listened to his story it just drove home how our attitude and our gratitude is so important as we journey through this life.
In loving memory of Alice Anne Warner Johnson
Visit our website or follow us on instagram @becomingpodcast

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
ENCORE: When Life Gives You Lemons with Natalie Norton
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
ENCORE EPISODE: Originally Aired March 2019
Heartbreak from loss, or whatever hard circumstance you are dealing with, can cause your world to crumble all around you. Tawni interviewed the incredible Natalie Norton who has a complete understanding of what this looks and feels like. This amazing interview was so touching and enlightening that we had to bring it back for an ENCORE. (The episode was split into 2 episodes, but we've put it all back together for you...you might still hear some references to part 1 and 2). You will be given 5 tangible ways to be able to face the next day and find a way to your new normal. We also talk about how to deal with feelings of blame or anger towards others, but more specifically towards God. This interview has the ability to change the lives of those who are going through devastation. Please share it with anyone you know that is struggling. We love you and we are all in this together. We want to provide all of the love and support that we can.
Show Up with Natalie Norton Podcast
Visit our website or follow us on instagram @becomingpodcast

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Surrender: Surrender to God
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
The 7th and Final Step of the Surrender Series. You may think that after this entire series we would not need to cover surrender, but each time I get to the next step I realize how much more I need to dig in to this, and continue to work on this skill. Remember what surrender looks like:
Articles Referenced:
7 Steps of Spiritual Surrender
Visit our website or follow us on instagram @becomingpodcast